January 3, 2012


***addendum added on 1/16/2012***
A friend posted this link on FB and it is a brief summary introducing whole foods- fresh fruits and vegetables, nutritive fats and single ingredient foods and staying away from low cal highly processed food products. I believe in this personally and think it's worth checking out.


I am returning to this post because it's a topic that keeps resurfacing in my life and has also become more apparent in common social interactions.

I can't say it enough- this is not a post meant to denigrate or show any kind of judgement to the personal or political choices an individual may make.  I personally don't really care what you do with your meals, or how you want to consume them. This is a place for me to express some of the questions I have about vegan diet.

Why choose veganism? I respect it as a personal moral, political or health decision. What I do not understand is the propensity of vegans (and vegetarians as well) to create food products shaped like the very things they feel they should not eat. For example, vegan hot dogs, chicken nuggets, burger patties, cream cheese, egg product, butter, so forth and so on.

My question is why engage in a lifestyle choice that is inherently contradictory?

These food products are so processed!! There is virtually nothing healthful or wholesome when it comes to the extreme processing of soy, corn, wheat, sugars etc that make up the shape and texture of these foods. I find it confusing. I guess in my mind, the politics and personal lifestyle become a little muddy. I suppose ideally that most vegans would socially practice their personal politics, and I expect that many, if not most, do.

I am the first to admit that I know virtually nothing scientific about vegan diets, I only know what I've read in relation to corn and soy in American diets. No GMO's, that is a movement I can get behind. But at the end of the day, I think it's unhealthy to eat too much processed food, whether it's a twinkie or a vegan nugget product.

I promise I am not judging your lifestyle against mine, but I have to ask- is it really about healthier eating??

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